Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Beranda » » Test drilling for oil set to start

Test drilling for oil set to start

Gas cylinder holderThe company wants to test for the presence of oil reserves

An energy company is set to start exploratory drilling for oil near a village in West Sussex.

Cuadrilla obtained the waste permit from the Environment Agency earlier - the final regulatory approval it needed to carry out the work near Balcombe.

Drilling equipment started arriving at the site this week and test drilling is expected to start from Saturday.

Residents and national campaigners are planning to protest near the village school on Thursday.

A "Great Gas Gala" will be held by campaigners protesting over fears of a large increase in the number of lorries in the area, and Cuadrilla's involvement in shale gas exploration using hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

Brenda Pollack, regional campaigner for Friends of the Earth South East, said: "Shale gas and oil are not the solution to our energy challenges.

"They threaten local communities, pollute our atmosphere and there's plenty of evidence they won't bring down fuel prices.

"It's time to end the nation's costly addiction to dirty fossil fuels and build a clean future based on energy efficiency and harnessing the power of the wind, waves and sun."

'New permissions'

The energy company said: "Cuadrilla's forthcoming activity at Balcombe is for exploratory drilling only and is a temporary operation that will not include hydraulic fracturing.

"Should Cuadrilla wish to undertake further activity, they would need to apply for new permissions and licences from the relevant regulatory authorities.

"We have communicated what we are doing to the local community through information sessions and written communications.

"Furthermore we have been in regular contact with the parish council and other local councils as well as going through all the necessary planning and permit applications to undertake this work.

"We will continue to inform the community of our actions as we progress."

West Sussex County Council granted Cuadrilla planning permission to undertake exploration work in 2010.

Source: BBC News - Business http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-23442981#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa