DoubleLine's Jeffrey Gundlach thinks the dollar will keep getting stronger
Plus: Bond manager urges maximum flexibility, Robert Shiller picks stocks over houses, and Jeff Gundlach calls for more of the dollar's rally
Dec 5, 2014 @ 6:00 am
- DoubleLine's Jeff Gundlach called the dollar rally, and now he's calling for it to charge further ahead. Not worried about a crowded dollar trade
- Warren Buffett jumps on the Hillary Clinton bandwagon. Formerly 'dead broke' Hillary gets $25k worth of support from the world's third-richest man. 'Hillary is going to win.'
- Alerting bond fund managers to get flexible or go bust. Bill Eigen says he will only manage fixed income if he can go short and hold lots of cash. 'Fixed income does not have the ability to make back loses like equities.'
- Robert Shiller slams the door on homeownership in favor of stocks. Say what? It's important that we have homeowners. Just don't be one.
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