Gold shines amid growing economic stress in Europe
Plus: Emerging-market-debt managers emerge from wreckage of 2014, gold shines above the euro carnage, and it's time to change some passwords
Jan 21, 2015 @ 12:01 am
- Gold starts to shine as the safe haven play against the backdrop of growing economic stress in Europe. The precious metal jumped more than 1% on Tuesday to its highest level since September
- The same president who wants to provide 'free' community college, wants to add taxes to those saving for college through 529 plans. You can't make this stuff up. Taxing 529 plan withdrawals as ordinary income
- Last year was a tough run for emerging market debt managers, but at least a handful made money in 2014. When 0.09% still counts as a good year
- If you haven't made a New Year's resolution yet, how about resolving to change some of your passwords? Safety first. If your password is among these 25 weak examples, you might be at risk
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