Cash-heavy mutual funds take downside protection to the extreme
Plus: Adviser charged with stealing $1.3M from widows and church friends, up from the ashes arises a new subprime giant, and millennials courted by Wall Street
Mar 4, 2015 @ 12:01 am
- For investors who truly cannot sleep at night out of fear that this roaring equity market is too risky, here are some mutual funds that are taking the slow lane by sitting on lots of cash. Downside protection to the max
- A Virginia financial adviser is charged with bilking widows, single moms and church friends out of $1.3 million. Most of the money was pocketed and never invested
- Spare parts from Citi and AIG are used to build another subprime lending beast. Springleaf Holdings Inc. (LEAF)
- Millennials, the most self-indulgent generation, are quickly becoming the center of Wall Street's attention because they are slated to inherit $30 trillion. 'Don't believe us, just watch us'
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